This great video will get you started with learning these C Major Triads. This excellent video was not made by us and the creator is not affiliated with us. However if you enjoyed his help, please visit his youtube channel 'Become Great At Guitar', and please like and subscribe :)
A triad is a chord made from just 3 notes, the root, the third and the fifth without repeating them. A triad can have 3 Inversions meaning the order in which the notes are arranged. In a C Major Triad there are 3 notes the:
By learning all these shapes relative to the C major scale that is displayed underneath, you can start to lay connections between the two. It's important not to see scales and chords as separate but rather a as an intricate whole. By trying to connect these triads shapes to the underlying scale this knowledge becomes transpose-able to other major scales. You will also start noticing that all the triads are part of larges chord forms. All this will become more clear as you advance in you learning and these basics will give you a great foundation.